Alphabetical List


  1. AB / 1.4
    Applebuck Season
  2. AC / 3.7
    Wonderbolts Academy
  3. AD / 2.12
    Family Appreciation Day
  4. AF / 5.12
    Amending Fences
  5. AL / 6.23
    Where the Apple Lies
  6. AO / 9.19
    Dragon Dropped
  7. AP / 4.9
    Pinkie Apple Pie
  8. AR / 5.24
    The Mane Attraction
  9. AT / 2.20
    It's About Time
  10. AV / 7.1
    Celestial Advice


  1. BA / 3.4
    One Bad Apple
  2. BB / 1.6
    Boast Busters
  3. BC / 2.13
    Baby Cakes
  4. BD / 8.10
    The Break Up Break Down
  5. BG / 1.9
    Bridle Gossip
  6. BH / 1.22
    A Bird in the Hoof
  7. BK / 6.18
    Buckball Season
  8. BL / 7.2
    All Bottled Up
  9. BN / 1.26
    The Best Night Ever
  10. BO / 5.14
    Canterlot Boutique
  11. BP / 2.7
    May the Best Pet Win!
  12. BQ / 9.23
    The Big Mac Question
  13. BR / 5.20
  14. BS / 5.17
    Brotherhooves Social
  15. BT / 4.7
  16. BU / 6.11
    Flutter Brutter


  1. CA / 3.1
    The Crystal Empire (Part 1)
  2. CB / 3.2
    The Crystal Empire (Part 2)
  3. CC / 1.12
    Call of the Cutie
  4. CF / 3.10
    Keep Calm and Flutter On
  5. CG / 7.17
    To Change a Changeling
  6. CH / 6.16
    The Times They Are A Changeling
  7. CM / 1.23
    The Cutie Mark Chronicles
  8. CO / 8.3
    The Maud Couple
  9. CP / 2.6
    The Cutie Pox
  10. CR / 7.23
    Secrets and Pies
  11. CS / 2.15
    The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000
  12. CT / 6.14
    The Cart Before the Ponies
  13. CU / 9.11
    Student Counsel
  14. CW / 5.3
    Castle Sweet Castle


  1. DA / 7.25
    Shadow Play (Part 1)
  2. DB / 7.26
    Shadow Play (Part 2)
  3. DD / 4.4
    Daring Don't
  4. DE / 7.18
    Daring Done?
  5. DH / 7.12
    Discordant Harmony
  6. DM
    Equestria Girls: Dance Magic
  7. DO / 6.10
    Applejack's "Day" Off
  8. DP / 1.19
    A Dog and Pony Show
  9. DQ / 2.21
    Dragon Quest
  10. DR / 9.13
    Between Dark and Dawn
  11. DS / 1.7
  12. DU / 6.17
    Dungeons and Discords
  13. DW / 2.8
    The Mysterious Mare Do Well


  1. EA / 8.13
    The Mean 6
  2. EB / 4.16
    It Ain't Easy Being Breezies
  3. EF / 8.12
    Marks for Effort
  4. EG / 4.24
    Equestria Games
  5. EL / 6.21
    Every Little Thing She Does
  6. EN / 8.17
    The End in Friend


  1. FA / 1.1
    Friendship is Magic (Part 1)
  2. FB / 1.2
    Friendship is Magic (Part 2)
  3. FC / 6.19
    The Fault in Our Cutie Marks
  4. FD / 2.18
    A Friend in Deed
  5. FE / 7.3
    A Flurry of Emotions
  6. FF / 4.5
    Flight to the Finish
  7. FG
    Equestria Girls: Friendship Games
  8. FI / 8.4
    Fake It 'Til You Make It
  9. FK / 8.24
    Father Knows Beast
  10. FL / 7.5
    Fluttershy Leans In
  11. FM / 7.14
    Fame and Misfortune
  12. FN / 9.8
  13. FO / 7.6
    Forever Filly
  14. FR / 3.8
    Apple Family Reunion
  15. FT
    Equestria Girls: Forgotten Friendship
  16. FU / 8.16
    Friendship University
  17. FV / 4.14
    Filli Vanilli
  18. FW / 1.13
    Fall Weather Friends


  1. GB / 1.5
    Griffon the Brush Off
  2. GC / 1.20
    Green Isn't Your Color
  3. GE
    Best Gift Ever
  4. GF / 6.5
    Gauntlet of Fire
  5. GI
    Equestria Girls
  6. GL / 5.4
    Bloom and Gloom
  7. GM / 6.3
    The Gift of the Maud Pie
  8. GP / 3.12
    Games Ponies Play
  9. GR / 9.6
    Common Ground
  10. GS / 9.10
    Going to Seed
  11. GU / 9.22
    Growing Up Is Hard to Do
  12. GW / 8.5
    Grannies Gone Wild


  1. HA / 5.1
    The Cutie Map (Part 1)
  2. HB / 5.2
    The Cutie Map (Part 2)
  3. HD / 2.19
    Putting Your Hoof Down
  4. HF / 2.22
    Hurricane Fluttershy
  5. HH / 2.17
    Hearts and Hooves Day
  6. HI / 7.20
    A Health of Information
  7. HM / 5.23
    The Hooffields and McColts
  8. HN / 7.9
    Honest Apple
  9. HO / 9.20
    A Horse Shoe-In
  10. HP / 8.7
    Horse Play
  11. HS / 7.8
    Hard to Say Anything
  12. HT / 6.8
    A Hearth's Warming Tail
  13. HW / 2.11
    Hearth's Warming Eve


  1. IA / 6.25
    To Where and Back Again (Part 1)
  2. IB / 6.26
    To Where and Back Again (Part 2)
  3. IM / 4.23
    Inspiration Manifestation
  4. IR
    Equestria Girls: Mirror Magic


  1. JA / 9.24
    The Ending of the End (Part 1)
  2. JB / 9.25
    The Ending of the End (Part 2)
  3. JC / 9.26 [Alt]
    The Last Problem
  4. JS / 3.11
    Just for Sidekicks


  1. KA / 5.25
    The Cutie Re-Mark (Part 1)
  2. KB / 5.26
    The Cutie Re-Mark (Part 2)
  3. KD / 5.7
    Make New Friends But Keep Discord
  4. KP
    Equestria Girls: Sunset's Backstage Pass


  1. LB / 1.8
    Look Before You Sleep
  2. LC / 9.12
    The Last Crusade
  3. LE / 2.4
    Luna Eclipsed
  4. LF / 4.20
    Leap of Faith
  5. LL / 9.14
    The Last Laugh
  6. LM / 5.18
    Crusaders of the Lost Mark
  7. LP / 9.26
    The Last Problem
  8. LR / 2.14
    The Last Roundup
  9. LT / 5.8
    The Lost Treasure of Griffonstone
  10. LV
    Equestria Girls: Legend of Everfree
  11. LZ / 2.3
    Lesson Zero


  1. MA / 1.1 [Alt]
    Mare in the Moon (Part 1)
  2. MB / 1.2 [Alt]
    Mare in the Moon (Part 2)
  3. MC / 3.13
    Magical Mystery Cure
  4. MD / 3.5
    Magic Duel
  5. ME / 2.10
    Secret of My Excess
  6. MI / 4.3
    Castle Mane-ia
  7. MM / 2.24
    MMMystery on the Friendship Express
  8. MN / 5.16
    Made in Manehattan
  9. MO / 8.11
    Molt Down
  10. MP / 3.3
    Too Many Pinkie Pies
  11. MR / 5.21
    Scare Master
  12. MS / 5.13
    Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep?
  13. MT / 7.19
    It Isn't the Mane Thing About You
  14. MU / 4.18
    Maud Pie
  15. MV
    Equestria Girls: Movie Magic
  16. MW / 5.6
    Appleloosa's Most Wanted


  1. NA / 9.1
    The Beginning of the End (Part 1)
  2. NB / 9.2
    The Beginning of the End (Part 2)
  3. NC / 8.9
    Non-Compete Clause
  4. ND / 6.7
    Newbie Dash
  5. NR / 9.5
    The Point of No Return
  6. NS / 6.6
    No Second Prances
  7. NT / 7.11
    Not Asking for Trouble


  1. OB / 1.21
    Over a Barrel
  2. OM / 6.4
    On Your Marks
  3. OO / 5.11
    Party Pooped
  4. OW / 1.24
    Owl's Well That Ends Well
  5. OZ / 7.22
    Once Upon a Zeppelin


  1. PA / 4.1
    Princess Twilight Sparkle (Part 1)
  2. PB / 4.2
    Princess Twilight Sparkle (Part 2)
  3. PC / 2.23
    Ponyville Confidential
  4. PE / 7.13
    The Perfect Pear
  5. PG / 7.7
    Parental Glideance
  6. PI / 8.14
    A Matter of Principals
  7. PK / 1.15
    Feeling Pinkie Keen
  8. PL / 6.15
    28 Pranks Later
  9. PM / 8.8
    The Parent Map
  10. PO / 1.25
    Party of One
  11. PP / 4.6
    Power Ponies
  12. PR / 4.12
    Pinkie Pride
  13. PS / 5.10
    Princess Spike
  14. PT
    My Little Pony: The Movie
  15. PV / 6.22
    P.P.O.V. (Pony Point of View)


  1. RA / 2.1
    The Return of Harmony (Part 1)
  2. RB / 2.2
    The Return of Harmony (Part 2)
  3. RC / 7.21
    Marks and Recreation
  4. RF / 4.10
    Rainbow Falls
  5. RH / 8.21
    A Rockhoof and a Hard Place
  6. RI / 5.15
    Rarity Investigates
  7. RL
    Equestria Girls: Rollercoaster of Friendship
  8. RM / 4.8
    Rarity Takes Manehattan
  9. RO / 8.19
    Road to Friendship
  10. RP / 7.10
    A Royal Problem
  11. RR
    Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rocks
  12. RS / 7.4
    Rock Solid Friendship
  13. RT
    Rainbow Roadtrip
  14. RU / 9.21
    Daring Doubt
  15. RV / 6.9
    The Saddle Row Review
  16. RW / 2.16
    Read It and Weep


  1. SA / 5.1 [Alt]
    Cutie Markless (Part 1)
  2. SB / 5.2 [Alt]
    Cutie Markless (Part 2)
  3. SC / 1.10
    Swarm of the Century
  4. SE / 2.9
    Sweet and Elite
  5. SF / 6.13
    Stranger than Fan Fiction
  6. SG
    Equestria Girls: Spring Breakdown
  7. SH / 1.18
    The Show Stoppers
  8. SI / 8.23
    Sounds of Silence
  9. SK / 9.7
    She's All Yak
  10. SL / 5.9
    Slice of Life
  11. SM / 1.17
    Stare Master
  12. SP / 3.6
    Sleepless in Ponyville
  13. SR / 1.16
    Sonic Rainboom
  14. SS / 2.5
    Sisterhooves Social
  15. ST / 8.6
    Surf and/or Turf
  16. SU / 1.14
    Suited For Success
  17. SV / 9.4
    Sparkle's Seven
  18. SW / 4.13
    Simple Ways
  19. SY / 6.12
    Spice Up Your Life


  1. TA / 4.25
    Twilight's Kingdom (Part 1)
  2. TB / 4.26
    Twilight's Kingdom (Part 2)
  3. TC / 4.11
    Three's A Crowd
  4. TE / 4.21
    Testing Testing 1, 2, 3
  5. TF / 9.15
    2, 4, 6, Greaaat
  6. TG / 9.18
    She Talks to Angel
  7. TK / 5.5
    Tanks for the Memories
  8. TL / 7.16
    Campfire Tales
  9. TM / 1.3
    The Ticket Master
  10. TO / 6.24
    Top Bolt
  11. TP / 9.16
    A Trivial Pursuit
  12. TR / 7.15
    Triple Threat
  13. TT / 4.15
    Twilight Time
  14. TY / 4.22
    Trade Ya!


  1. UB / 7.24
    Uncommon Bond
  2. UK / 9.17
    The Summer Sun Setback
  3. UR / 9.3


  1. VP / 6.20
    Viva Las Pegasus


  1. WA / 2.25
    A Canterlot Wedding (Part 1)
  2. WB / 2.26
    A Canterlot Wedding (Part 2)
  3. WC / 8.15
    The Hearth's Warming Club
  4. WH / 5.22
    What About Discord?
  5. WL / 8.22
    What Lies Beneath
  6. WM / 9.9
    Sweet and Smoky
  7. WO / 4.17
    Somepony to Watch Over Me
  8. WP / 5.19
    The One Where Pinkie Pie Knows
  9. WS / 8.20
    The Washouts
  10. WT / 4.19
    For Whom the Sweetie Belle Toils
  11. WW / 1.11
    Winter Wrap Up


  1. XA / 8.25
    School Raze (Part 1)
  2. XB / 8.26
    School Raze (Part 2)


  1. YA / 6.1
    The Crystalling (Part 1)
  2. YB / 6.2
    The Crystalling (Part 2)
  3. YK / 8.18
  4. YS / 3.9
    Spike at Your Service


  1. ZA / 8.1
    School Daze (Part 1)
  2. ZB / 8.2
    School Daze (Part 2)